
Kunshan Zhensu Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.

Mold water cleaning machine
Mold water cleaning machine
The necessity of regular cleaning of circulating cooling waterways:

● According to long-term research, when the thickness of the pipe wall scale reaches 0.05㎜, the motor power will be increased by 20% to complete the original workload.

● Due to the production of scale, the injection oil temperature is too high, resulting in unstable system pressure.

● The scale and rust accumulated over the years lead to poor cooling effect of mold water, prolonged molding cycle, resulting in reduced output, quality and cost increase.

● Solve the problem caused by the poor water circulation system and reduce the cost of irregular maintenance.

Cleaning formula:

● Formula: Independent research and development of environmental protection water cleaning powder, the application of molecular stripping, through the water cycle will be scale away, independent formula to ensure no corrosion, cleaning formula mold material, sealing ring, plastic pipe, copper pipe, stainless steel, human body are not harmful, and in line with the national emission standards, can effectively loosen the water scale and rust cooling.

Cleaning principle:

The application of water-gas mixed molecular stripping patent technology (patent No. : 201520593673.2), mixed with compressed air in high-speed water flow, and according to the actual working conditions, automatic control of different frequencies of physical pressure pulse, so as to produce impact blasting effect on the inner wall of the mold, forming an air explosion. When the machine is in full automatic operation, the scale and rust of the water pipe wall are peeled off by the positive and negative flushing and blasting of the inner wall of the pipeline, and the attachments and other impurities in the mold water are removed at the same time. After filtration and precipitation, the dirt is eliminated through the sewage outlet to complete the cleaning of the mold water




Address: No.169, Xinwu East Street, Zhangpu Town, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province
Contact person: Mrs. zhang 15995606480
Email: zhensujixie@163.com

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